Tooth loss is commonly the result of poor oral hygiene choices, gum disease or trauma, and can lead to increasingly complicated oral health issues. As soon as a tooth is lost, the jawbone falls into disuse and begins to deteriorate. Unlike conventional tooth replacement options that simply sit on the gums, dental implants are embedded into the jawbone, and so stop the deterioration of the jawbone tissue and restore your oral health.
However, for dental implants in Camden to be successful, patients should be healthy and have as much tissue left in their jawbone as possible. Just as advanced gum disease is the number one cause of tooth loss, it is also the main cause of dental implant failure. At Ace Dental, we will examine your teeth carefully and help you determine whether you are a good candidate for dental implants in Camden. Patients with extensive bone loss can still have dental implants with alternative techniques such as All-on-4 or denture stabilisation.
What are dental implants?
Dental implants are very small, titanium screws that are surgically fixed into the jawbone where natural teeth are missing. These metal posts act as tooth root substitutes. The bone bonds with the titanium, creating a strong and sturdy foundation for artificial teeth. Abutments that stick out of the gums are then attached to the implant. These abutments hold replacement teeth such as crowns, dentures or bridges securely in place.
How can dental implants change your life?
With dental implants, you will be able to eat your favourite foods without pain or discomfort. You will have almost as much biting and chewing power as you did when you had natural teeth, and you will be able to enjoy healthy foods such as chewy fruit and vegetables. Dental implants in Camden will also help you socialise again without feeling self-conscious or worrying about something embarrassing happening. Moreover, with dental implants, your speech will be restored.
Last but not least, implants will protect your jawbone from deteriorating and strengthen your bone tissue by encouraging its further growth.
Contact us
To learn more about dental implants in Camden or book a consultation appointment, please contact us today.
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