Ace Dental

20 June 2018

What you need to know about dental implants in Camden

Missing teeth can really get you down. Not only does it inconvenience you in missing out on your favourite chewy and crunchy foods, it can leave you feeling insecure in your appearance. Luckily, you can go for dental implants in Camden to fix your teeth and restore confidence in your smile.

What’s the drill?

Here at Ace Dental, we use modern technology to assess your suitability for treatment and complete the surgery. In your initial consultation, your dentist will examine your mouth, which may involve a bone graft or a sinus lift, and hopefully give you the ‘go ahead’.

On the day of treatment, the implant is screwed into the jawbone. This is left for 3-6 months, in which time, new bone growth will provide a strong foundation for the replacement tooth, which will be carefully designed to match the colour of the rest of your teeth.

If you need to replace all of the teeth in the upper or lower jaw, we offer an All on 4 implant technique, made up of four implants to support a prosthetic containing all the replacement teeth in one arch.

You must then care for your new teeth as before, brushing thoroughly day and night, as you enjoy the benefits of having healthy and happy teeth.

Feel the benefit

Dental implants are very popular as they offer many positives such as:

  • Improved appearance
  • Restored confidence
  • Functionality in eating
  • They’re long-lasting
  • Natural looking
  • They don’t affect the rest of your teeth.

How painful are dental implants?

This is what you really want to know about dental implants in Camden: does it hurt? Although the idea of someone drilling in your mouth can be terrifying, we aim to create maximum comfort for the patient. We offer local anaesthetic to reduce the pain in the procedure, and any sore after effects can usually be treated by over-the-counter medication.

It’s a good idea to speak to other patients who have received dental implants, who can hopefully assure you that it is not as bad as it seems. Beauty doesn’t have to be pain, and we do all we can to ease the nerves of patients, so they can receive treatment and feel confident again.

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