Ace Dental

20 October 2017

Younger looks without surgery

Did you know that in 2016, there was a 40% drop in the number of men and women having cosmetic surgery? Was this plummet from 2015’s all-time high because of the increasing availability of temporary facial aesthetics in Camden and other places? At Ace Dental, we like to think so. Certainly, we know that the treatments we offer, Botox and dermal fillers, are proving very popular.

More people are coming to us as a dentist for facial aesthetics in Camden because of our intimate understanding of how the muscles, nerves, tendons, organs, and skin of the head, face, mouth, and neck work. We also have years of experience in delivering injections with precision, so that you get your treatment exactly where you need it and in precisely the right amounts for a natural youthful look rather than a heavy-handed ‘had work done’ look.


Botox treatments focus on problem areas such as crow’s feet around the eyes, frown lines, forehead lines, and nasolabial lines. Botox works by temporarily blocking the nerve impulses to the muscles, which over the next few days relax and smooth out. The treatment will make you look younger and more refreshed.

Treatments with Botox last for about four months, so you may want to book a top-up session about three months after your initial treatment.

Dermal fillers

Dermal fillers work by plumping out the skin to smooth out folds, wrinkles and hollows that naturally form as a part of ageing.

As we age, we gradually lose production of a vital chemical called hyaluronic acid. This acid forms the bonds between skin cells that make them appear to glow and it also helps the cells retain moisture. Dermal fillers are simply replacing something that used to be in our skin anyway.

They can be used to plump out areas such as nasolabial lines, or wrinkles over the top lip that come from smoking, as well as crow’s feet and hollows in the cheeks.

To find out more about how facial aesthetics in Camden can help you create a more youthful look, why not pop in for a consultation?

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