Ace Dental

14 December 2018

Smile bright like a diamond

To riff off Rihanna, who doesn’t want to smile bright like a diamond? A dazzling smile has the amazing effect of making people instantly warm to you. It’s a great advantage to have at an interview, on a date, or just to make the day go that little bit smoother. When we’re kids, a dazzling smile seems to be natural but as we get older those signs of wear and tear start to make our teeth look rather dull. But there is a solution: teeth whitening in Camden.

At Ace Dental, we’ve brought brighter smiles to countless patients across London. We’ve helped them get rid of years of stains built up from drinking red wine, coffee and tea, eating delicious curries and tomato sauce-laden pasta and even that habit we all know should be kicked, smoking.

How does it work?

Teeth whitening uses a whitening gel with the active ingredient of hydrogen peroxide. This bleaching agent lifts off stains from the surface of your teeth. It doesn’t work on restorations, such as crowns or veneers. So if you want teeth whitening in Camden, get it done before you have your restorations put in and then have your restorations coloured to match.

You can either have your teeth whitening in Camden done at our dental practice or at home. If you’re in need of speed, then in-clinic whitening is the way to go. We’ll protect your gums and lips and then apply a concentrated whitening gel to your teeth. In under 2 hours your teeth will be a whole lot brighter and whiter, how much so depends on what you want and the extent of the staining or discolouration.

If you want a more subtle transformation of your teeth, then go with at-home whitening. We’ll provide you with bespoke teeth trays that fit snugly over your teeth. You place a less concentrated whitening gel inside and wear these trays for a few hours every day for around 2 weeks.

How long does teeth whitening last?

That depends on you. Keep up with a good oral hygiene routine, including hygienist visits, avoid strongly staining foods and drinks and quit smoking and your teeth whitening in Camden could last for several years.

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