Ace Dental

21 September 2018

Ways to get the teeth you want

It’s just awful when your teeth start to go. Only people have been in your position of watching their teeth fail, can appreciate how it feels to be faced with the prospect of living the rest of your life with gaps, or tooth restorations that will never be as good as your natural teeth were at biting and chewing, talking and smiling. Hard decisions have to be made. Is it worth shelling out all that money for the most effective restorations? Can you justify dental implants in Camden when it’s such a big initial outlay? After all, generations before you made do with dentures and bridges, in fact, back in the mid-20th century, it was even the fashion to have all your teeth removed when you were in your 20s and get dentures.

Ah, but dentistry has positively leapt forward since then and no dentist these days would recommend such drastic action. Instead, we are all for helping you keep your natural teeth as long as possible. And, if you do lose one, some or all of them, at Ace Dental, we want you to be able to have the best restorations to suit you. And in many cases, that means dental implants in Camden.

Yes, we know they are not cheap. Here at Ace Dental, dental implants in Camden start at £2,500. It seems like a lot of money, especially when you can get a full set of dentures from £695, but, there is a world of difference between these two restoration methods.

Get the whole tooth replaced

The big difference with dental implants in Camden is that the root of the tooth is replaced as well as the crown. The roots are what keep teeth stable and make them capable of withstanding the powerful forces created when we bite and chew. With roots, you don’t have to worry about your teeth sliding around, or falling out when you least expect it. You also don’t have to worry about your jawbone shrinking away until you look like a little old pointy-chinned witch.

Let us help you

Subject to conditions, you can pay for your dental implants with 0% finance, from as little as £52.48 a month.

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