Ace Dental

9 September 2016

Subtle braces and aligners for straightening adults’ teeth

Braces can benefit patients of all ages, and at Ace Dental in Camden we offer a number of subtler solutions than fixed metal appliances, which we know can prove quite a turn-off for adults. The benefits of teeth straightening treatment are more than just aesthetic, so we encourage anyone who is unhappy with the alignment of their teeth to join us at our Camden clinic for a consultation.

Straighter teeth are healthier teeth because they are easier to clean, whilst improving your bite can help you to eat a healthy diet, avoid excessive wear and tear on specific teeth, and can even help in some cases of bruxism, headaches, and jaw pain. Bringing protruding teeth into better alignment helps to protect them from accidental damage.

At our Camden dental clinic we offer a number of discreet braces and clear, removable aligners. Depending on your needs your dentist may suggest:

Quick Straight Teeth

There are two types of Quick Straight Teeth appliance available from our Camden dental clinic. The fixed braces use tooth-coloured wires and clear brackets to correct issues with the front six to eight teeth in an average of six months, whilst the removable appliance provides rapid correction in between four and 24 weeks.

Lingual braces

Attached to the rear surfaces of your teeth, lingual braces are a popular choice for people who need more extensive correction at our Camden clinic, because they are invisible in everyday situations.


This system of clear, removable aligners can correct a wide range of problems with minimal lifestyle impact. You change your aligner every fortnight, and take them out to eat, drink, and clean, making it easy to keep up your dental hygiene. The number of aligners needed and the length of treatment varies from case to case.

Inman Aligner

This single-use aligner has a special design that enables correction of protrusion or crowding of the front teeth in a matter of weeks. Again it’s removable, which is good for dental hygiene.

Six Month Smiles

These tooth-coloured braces correct mild issues with the front teeth. They are a popular choice at our Camden clinic thanks to their speed and subtlety.

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